Welcome to the
The School
The NHSM is called upon to respond in particular to the requirements of international competitiveness in the emerging field of the knowledge economy, which is essentially based on the innovative contribution of advanced Mathematical Sciences with its two profiles: Fundamental & Applied.
School's Mission
The NHSM is a center of excellence that must effectively support the knowledge economy through cutting-edge advances in mathematics as well as high-level research in this discipline, which is at the heart of all modern science and technology.
In this context, the missions of the School consist in carrying out the following points:
Train an elite of mathematicians in the vast field of research and development (R&D).
Attract the best baccalaureate holders in Mathematics through the quality of resources and teaching.
Provide mathematics education that is adapted to the needs of business and industrial engineering.
Ensure the training of high-level executives in various specialties of Applied Mathematics.
Enhance the employability of Mathematics graduates.
Assist the main orientations of the country towards an alternative economy to hydrocarbons (Knowledge Economy).
Stimulate industrial sectors by integrating qualified mathematicians into engineering performance.
Ensure the dissemination of the results obtained at the local level and the popularization of mathematics.
Provide internationally competitive doctoral and postdoctoral training in fundamental mathematics.
Areas of Competence
Nos domaines de compétences consistent dans le développement de l’économie du savoir:
Solving problems posed by the socio-economic sector (analysis, modelling, optimization, simulation, etc.)
International Excellence in Research in the Mathematical Sciences.
Innovation in methods and techniques.
Careers after NHSM
In general, the NHSM graduate engineer comes out with multidisciplinary skills that qualify him to occupy various senior positions, in any public or private sector. In particular, at the end of his training, he will be able to integrate directly into the professional environment by making use of his practical and operational skills or to begin doctoral studies and undertake cutting-edge research work.
Finally, this training opens up to jobs in: